1. Remotely Control Home Appliances (with or without internet):
– Control home appliances via a mobile app from anywhere in the world over the internet.
– Use manual switches to control appliances if there’s no internet connection.
2. Gas and Fire Alarm Detection:
– Continuously monitor gas and fire threats in the home.
– Emit a loud sound and send alert notifications to the mobile app if any threat is detected.
3. Fingerprint-based Door Lock System:
– Allow only authorized persons access to the home through their fingerprints.
– Enable authorized persons to grant access to relatives or others in emergencies via the mobile app over the Internet.
– Maintain a log of home access with timestamps for accountability.
4. Home Energy, Temperature & Humidity Monitoring:
– Continuously monitor the temperature and humidity of the home.
– Monitor the energy consumed by the home.
5. Live Camera Monitoring:
– Utilize the ESP32cam to visually monitor the home in real-time.
6. Mobile Application:
– Develop a mobile app using Android Studio to control and monitor all features.
– Use Firebase as the cloud server for data storage and synchronization.
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